The co-educational event hosted and organized by “Tzar Simeon Veliki ” Private Secondary School under the project “Innovative methods, approaches and practices for effective teaching of STEM subjects in an electronic environment” was successfully completed.
In September 2022 /From 25.09 to 30.09/ “Tzar Simeon Veliki ” Private Secondary School hosted an event C3 – Short-term joint staff training event for 30 teachers for 5 days.
The program included panels that contribute to the achievement of the main goal of the project – the creation of an innovative and integrated online learning resource and materials for learning natural sciences in a digital environment and the development of knowledge, skills and didactic competences necessary to use digital-based tools for online school education.
Our science teachers shared classroom best practices they use in science literacy classes and demonstrated how they apply to project-based learning. Together they looked at the model of project lessons, its structure and how to engage students and make the learning most meaningful.
Each teacher was given a topic on which to develop their STEM lesson development that was practically oriented, and on the last day, everyone shared their development and experiences, exchanged feedback and shared impressions and challenges they face on a daily basis and how they could deal with them.
The event is realized under project 2020-1-BG01-KA226-SCH-095199 “Innovative methods, approaches and practices for effective teaching of subjects in the field of STEM in electronic environment”.
This project is financed with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the personal views of its author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for the use of the information contained therein.