Medical High School “Dr.Jovan Kalauzi”

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Medical High School “Dr. Jovan Kalauzi” will add value in the implementation of this project with their knowledge-based on economy through entrepreneurship, innovative methods of education, development of 21st century competencies and integration of good practices of non-formal learning in education; education and professional realisation in North Macedonia and Europe through career guidance and development of key competences, transversal skills and skills for the future through innovative teaching methods and the provision of non-formal educational spaces; initiatives to overcome the demographic crisis and sustainable regional development in North Macedonia and Europe;popularisation of teaching and the educational process through online technologies and development of international cooperation, as well as application in educational projects and encouragement in developing skills for innovation and creativity with students and teachers.The school is profiled in the field of natural sciences and has experienced teachers-specialists in the field of natural sciences, as well as has the necessary material and technical base for experimental work in the educational process.

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